About Trac-Grabber’s Tire Traction Device
Who we are
Trac-Grabber, LLC was formed in 2010. The company is the designer, developer and wholesaler of a rescue device called Trac-Grabber. Trac-Grabber is a new revolutionary and inexpensive device which is quickly and easily strapped to the drive wheels of a vehicle which is stuck in the sand, mud, or snow, and enables the vehicle to get unstuck quickly under its own power. With the Trac-Grabbers secured to the wheels, the wheels spin to the point where the Trac-Grabbers engage, lift, grab, and move the vehicle back to stable terrain. Trac-Grabbers provide a quick, simple, and effective solution to being stranded and disabled in all types of terrain and adverse conditions. Just strap on a pair of Trac-Grabbers and rescue yourself.
Every driver is bound to get stuck in snow or mud at some point. With a set of Trac-Grabbers in your back seat or trunk, there will be no need of calling for help. We at Trac-Grabber are dedicated to provide the most effective gadget to safely rescue a vehicle from mud, snow, sand and even ice. No matter what type of vehicle you have, whether SUV, truck, small vehicles, large, heavy vehicles or car, Trac-Grabber will get your vehicle unstuck and give you the total peace of mind that you deserve.
Why Purchase TracGrabber

Since the invention of the automobile, people have been getting stuck. Often times it happens in the most remote places and never at a convenient time. The thought of a loved one being stuck, stranded, and at the mercy of an absolute stranger is very frightening. Add snow, ice, and sub-zero temperatures and it really makes you wonder why a pair of Trac-Grabbers is not in every vehicle. Every year we hear and read more stories of people who have become subjected to such conditions and many have very tragic endings which could have easily been avoided with Trac-Grabbers.
Trac-Grabbers are not only for the adventurous outdoorsmen who desire to blaze their own trail, but also the most valuable rescue gear you may ever purchase. Be prepared to rescue yourself with TRAC-GRABBER.